Wanted: Chuck Bass! Sighted: Unfortunately

There is perhaps a reason why the sweetest fruit hanging always near the top, but unfortunately I do not know him, why everything is so close and well known, boring and uninteresting, may not explain to me. A. The other day I asked her whether she is not something tasty from the meat department know, at least halfway decent material for more than just a flirt. A. is under a lot of people and I thought if you think there is nothing - then who? Then I asked, L., and was also her of anything reasonable.
I conclude from this that it alone can not lie to me. Of course, I grant me a Partial debt with one, but it can not be just me, or to A., or to L.
Perhaps the fruit in our garden after all very sweet and we have just forgotten how to recognize their luster? Even this consideration, we have taken into Erwegung. We retired to a clarifying, sober conversation, went through the whole range of fruits, we compared and analyzed and are met with actually not even a single copy (!). Not a (!) That the only sweet fruits for consumption and is useful in handling!
If there is nothing sweet, we have left to do? The area change and hope for better breeding ground? And how many times can the man ? Make Finally, we can not open a nomad their tents every spring somewhere else!
I will agree with A. and soon also with a renewed D. meetings. A table with gossip, cocktails and loud music in order to analyze in more detail. And if anyone can find something delicious zwichenzeitlich should, then I expect a message
Sighted: Cuck bass. Where: very very close!
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