is that they are constantly increasing. hardly believe it does a thing, you realize that you have actually begun to scratch only the surface. always find it to new tasks, and before you know it is a trifle, a large capacity building sites have become.
my area construction site is my bedroom. and this is now not a stupid claim! it all started with the idea that spring and "spring cleaning" brings with it, and now I'm lying with grazed and sore fingers in bed, and I have to put my aching body into which something should not be possible. scandal! I built my bed apart to put it in the middle of the room and then there again rebuild admitted "rubble" in garbage bags scratched only by four hours of wallpaper from the wall ... of course did so in formal attire. I had once before years a hearty blue man bought and then starched and ironed, in the wardrobe down, and today he was allowed time out. So blue man, black hood, and barefoot (so that the shoes are not dirty), I did what was necessary and made me not so stupid to you ...
to reward gabs shoes ... really beautiful shoes .... so I am now bed after work with my shoes and rest in me. and the shoes, um ... I meant a treat tomorrow night I've already ,.... but that's another story and another time to tell.
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