is that you know why they are "ex" are. you've tried it, found out that it was not good, and it can then be again. ex-friends very much to say about us, and the phases in our out of life, whether we had just a rebellious phase and have sought us a punky proles, if we just lived through a domestic phase and us a good, honest have laughed at allergy, or We wanted to find himself a manic artist.
but what if it never came so far? what if it has only to flirt and never passed to the relationship?
finally, I met such a "ex" and although only two years ago, I'm still a strange feeling in my stomach every time I see him again. he is a good for nothing, a prole and will probably also a pig, but I can be never sure whether I have gerirrt in it. I could ask his friends, but that would certainly defend him, I could ask my friends, but it could never liked. I ask myself every time just once more, whether he really is such a bastard ... but I'm afraid the answer to the question I will not like ...
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