Tuesday, December 28, 2010
How To Tell If Dog Has Frost Bite
For several days the news is out that Japan Kampfhörspiele dissolve, and originally I wanted to blog even a kind of obituary. Alone is a certain vanity, and may eventually I would write to me on the flag "very early adopter (in the sense of early explorers), and since then to" long-time supporters will have to be this unusual band. But you know what here? Here and now takes half a novel, long the entire biography of the estimated spread chapel (which would be measured against the entire review and interview stories I have written about this band at various points over the last 10 years, certainly not the first time really) to which I have said just now is simply to be honest and simply can not be bothered.
why go here at this point just a greeting to Kather, Klaus, Bony and further, over the years ever been changed out supporters: guys, was cool with you! Thanks for many great, inspiring songs even today, many immortal lyrics, some rousing concerts and one or the other but rather amusing side note.
runoff funeral ...
Queen Marriage Bureau
Actually, I thought this year is technically publication times by now, but a more or less essential thing I'm still not in the player: ELECTRIC WIZARD. Somewhere I read that their latest album "Black Masses" in the middle between the relatively poppy "Witchcult Today" and the rather abrupt "Dopethrone" is to be located. Two albums I've heard more times lately, and yes it may very happy. You know what? I guess I'm the album even more timely for Christmas. Fits even with his "occult" theme then very well with this. Furthermore
: Albums of 2010, in which one should be classified as alternative metal crash friend maybe risking one ear, with me but due to lack of capacity and different situated priorities were previously through the cracks:
BLACK SUN - Twilight Of The Gods
Gnaw Their Tongues - L'Arrivée De La Terne Mort Triomphante
Locrian - The Crystal World
NAILS - Unsilent Death
From Envy, alpinist and Panopticon was also something, but ran far any general before me away, Deathspell Omega are then probably not really my case, and in the hardcore area (Ceremony, Trash Talk, Sick of all t, Escapado, Integrity), I am no longer comfortable with, but I added probably obvious a bit of interest in it and the box lost it. Must we simply admit into the subject.
Update: Okay, YEAR OF NO LIGHT's "outside world" then I have now heard it once. That's one of those albums that I love to listen to every now and then, although I think it's neither earth shattering nor really say too much right to have. What bands like Altar Of Plagues or Wolves In The Throne Room in the (post) are black metal corner, which embody YONL least instrumental in the "Post-Metal" - or "ambient metal" direction somewhere between doom Shoegaze and cinematic post-rock. Epic, noisy and atmospheric, songs about the 10-minute mark, with decent distortion, beautiful melodies, somewhere between Red Sparrow, Mono, Omega Massif, Ufomammut, Cult of Luna and the like. Who likes music, which has the soundtracks, but it still sounds after having been sometimes legs before eingerifft boxes towers in the electric guitars, here is the right place. Good album.
Update 2: Og opinions on the current ELECTRIC WIZARD take to actually, like here and there expressed that " Black Masses" is indeed very cool, yet not necessarily one of the very most compelling EW Albums should represent. I was also very cute the approach in some loveless rock hard-Review that the repetitive riff-exploitation and the harsh sound of the band imputed a "non-conformist" charm. This is likely after careful consideration, however, probably be one of the reasons why I have a "just solid" EW-album to date actually much rather hear that than some other band of similar style, etiquette, that is me sometimes touted that way - it sounds saugeil easy like most other sound Stoner and Doom do not. An album which, when listening you should ideally wear dark sun glasses.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Heather Harmon 2010 Brooke
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Billardtisch Blueprint
Sunday, December 19, 2010
What Does Mucus In The Stool Look Like
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Roast Beef Sub Publix
Friday, December 17, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Cubefield Level Three
During Advent offers Microsoft free at weekly e-books for download.
Here click to return to the right page to come. This week it is Word 2010 At a Glance.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
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In a brief report, we want our work assignments in the south of Chile
with people who were affected by the earthquake in February 2010,
one hand, we do not get bored with these reports, on the other hand, we do
each of the "Covers for Chile" financial support has made it known,
what happens to the valuable donations. Furthermore we want to keep contact with
friends from all over the world who have built up a lot of commitment from the network
spiritual solidarity and also the people from Itahue
have stood.
Our last visit was on 11 Itahue and 12 September. We were motivated
total of 45 volunteers. The medical work was continued
. This time was the medical team of five doctors, a
Apoteker, a masseuse and a Föderin for small children. Three psychologists
worked in office hours, but also gave home visits.
as usual, people were very grateful for the attention
was given to them and showered us with gifts for their part of the country.
There was a workshop on use of reusable nappies, which were donated by Imse Vimse
from Sweden.
The handwork workshops were successfully held a second time. This time
learned the visitors, as you felt the Christmas flu figures
have continued their embroidered images of Itahue. Participants get wonderful
works which were offered for sale in Santiago. It was very encouraging to learn
people because they had fun new crafts to
and improve their skills and STUFF to pay for financial
this activity could hope.
The beadwork workshop was very well attended mainly by
pubescent girls (but not only). You have made gifts from their work
for many of us.
Depending on the interest of people in this workshop, a
similar workshop in the school of Cerrillo Bascuñán offered.
This village is on the other side of the highway and is one of them to our campaign. It was groβartig
see the fruits of the work of three women with disability
. They were built entirely from the rest of the participants who helped them
For the first time took a back Workshop " instead. The women were taught by Itahue
how to bake black bread. Recently they have learned about
the benefits of whole wheat flour over Weiβmehl of one of our
doctor. Weiβmehl plays a LARGE role in ihrere diet, especially because they
at home with their own bread dough Weiβmehl. We brought Vollkornmeh,
which men were able to buy for a low price because it
Itahue is impossible to come to such products. After baking
they tried their delicious bread.
Waldorf education group worked with kindergarten and school children, both in
Itahue and in the Cerrillo Bascuñan School. Voluntary
medical students have continued to work in the study of the therapeutic effect of
fairy tales in traumatized children. The children tell the tale
to wait to have the whole month. One child even began to tell his brother
fairy tale.
The Construction Group has made a building for Itahue's parent center.
your building was destroyed by the earthquake. The women were
pretty sad because they had no place where they could meet to make handicrafts to
verlieβen As usual, we stirred the heart of this place and were again convinced
get more than to have given. Carina Vaca Zeller
for "Covers for Chile"
---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------
Dear friends help us with the awareness and mitbegleiten,
We wish to report briefly how our Hilsaktion with the victims of the earthquake of 27 March 2010 "covers for Chile" on the last visit is run in May. We were there on the weekend of 1 and 2 May The work has been divided into sections, as before. We have continued to work with these three small and rather poor villages (Itahue, Puente Alto, Cerrillo Bascuñan Molina) in the south, the 182 Häusser have lost. The people we work with 2,800 people.
We were eighty volunteers to Total Area
this time was in the medical group there are eight anthroposophic physicians, three masseuses (Rhythmic massage), two dentists and two pharmacists. We can see in the two days, many patients. It was wonderful to see all patients who came for the second time felt better. Such as from the shock effects (anxiety, sleep disorders, digestive disorders, etc.) no longer there. It's amazing how these simple people who are openly for Anthroposphere Medicine and execute the instructions as efficient. Many have brought GIFTS: figs, fruit paradise, and even chickens!
The Waldorf teachers have continued to work with children. The children of the wheels with the fairy tale with a very open mouth and big eyes. So what they never get home. So you will work with parents so that they get from us and tell tales at home every night your child can. The nice thing is that even a very intensive work with parents and grandparents took place. It has made with you dolls, knitted, baked Bot, they have small, from the Waldorf school in Santiago knitted squares sewn together and sixteen of them very colorful blankets Created for these families. The elderly have embroidered images of their village as it was before, so they can edit the LOSS and creative.
This time we brought shoes and wool socks that have gathered our friends in Santiago, where it is now very cold and people are quite poor to buy good shoes can warm to. We took 1500Paare very good shoes that were new or almost new, with Ungerer 3000-4000 new stockings for the people of Itahue and have given everything personally. They were happy because they are huge I warm feet this winter. (Next time they will learn to knit itself Wollstrünpfe) We have also taken ten new beds and bedding, we gave specifically for children or elderly people who have the geschlaft ground until now.
This time we did not have as much money, so the construction work could also be modest. The module has built under the guidance of our architect a small house for a family with a twelve year old child whose mother was operated on just in the hospital, who have lived under plastic. That little house has a bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms in 18 square meters. The staff of "Covers for Chile" have a lot of trouble but was able to create one that was done. It still lacks many Häusser. There are families still live in tents or under plastic. Others have received an emergency by the state House, but there are mines with a layer of boards with no insulation, no flooring, no toilet, no kitchen. It's like a tent made of wood eighteen square meters. So not worthy, but the state can no longer make. He has already given 60,000 such apartments. The more donations we get, the more able to build decent small house we do.
We will continue to work throughout the year. We go on 5 And 6 June. Human relationships with the residents of Itahue deepen. You learn to live differently. Anthroposophy bring their fruit to the world.
Thank you very much, the help of so weitweg us. This material aid has spiritual understanding for the suffering of fellow human beings. We will continue to try as best we can get that these spiritual forces which we materialized from you, to help people live human can. Carina Vaca Zeller
From Team "covers for Chile"
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
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Thursday, September 16, 2010
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from 1.1.2011 to voluntary Arbeistlosenversicherung for all self-insured initially to 36 (new federal states: 30) € be increased. For many self
is the fact the question of whether a subsequent disposition of them still makes sense. A year later it is again an increase of contributions to be 71 (new federal states: 60) at €.
More info: premium increase for voluntary unemployment
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Luteal Phase And My Cervix Is Still High
Once a year, advises the youth TOG meeting about the subject matter which will brought in the next few years in the center of the action is. While the local student and volunteer groups can of course continue to independently determine their projects and commitment, is to be created across the country more aware of the problems in a particular social field by choosing a common theme.
long two months, the volunteers were able to vote on the theme of this year on the web. Now it is: The community volunteers will devote the year of "free and democratic university" . The aim is to problematic aspects of the education system, in particular grievances to the Turkish universities to address. In the coming months, a working group set up which will take over the management and coordination of this initiative. It will advise on which projects and actions can be performed at various universities and among students as well as in other parts of society have a greater interest in educational matters can be created. Content, it will be about, for example, that students who wear a headscarf, not to study at state universities and that only few universities in the democratic structures There, the students can also participate in the internal university decisions.
So on to the year 2011!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How Do You Make Sugar Ballet Shoes
long time, had the Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG), her gaze directed only to those who needed it most: the young people in Turkey. Youth centers, recreational activities, youth organizations, or even a separate youth policy - what young people in Germany has long been perfect, of course, was here after the military coup in 1982 not for political reasons initially possible. But step by step began in Turkey, too young and the elderly again to organize and establish anew what we like to call "civil society" (1). The Community Volunteers Foundation is a part of this movement.
have now launched the Community Volunteers, many projects in life, actions carried out and created an impressive network of youth clubs in Turkey - and grow slowly beyond that. There is a lot of movement and contacts, it is now between community volunteers and young people of other European and neighboring countries. As interest in the concept of continuous community volunteers beyond the borders of Turkey is increasing, we want to give this blog and the German young people an insight into our work: What Projects, the Community Volunteers start in Turkey? What activities are? And for those who want to engage yourself: What are the options to participate? Is it possible to establish the Community Volunteers in Germany? Or are they as partners for youth projects?
As the Community Volunteers Foundation will also develop this blog ever - with the motivation to be an informative window on the youth of Turkey.
(1) For more background information on the development of civil society youth work in Turkey is the article by Annegret Warth highly recommended.
Friday, August 6, 2010
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010
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Monday, June 14, 2010
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Here a report from third visit of "Covers for Chile after Itahue (south). was
This time, it has a winter feel. It was very cold on the weekend of the 5th and 6 June and the number of volunteers has also decreased, but not the inner strength of the task to perform each of the parties sought from the heart. We were only 40 people this time
The Medical work was continued. are six doctors came te had to see many patients. People (children and adults) have greatly rejoiced to see again, as some have said, the medicine would have acted so kindly to them. There is a lot about healthy eating habits (television, etc.), fever, said the sense of a disease so that people re-learn slowly, so that they are responsible for your health or can take their children and not feel powerless against the fate in terms of diseases t .
There were again two masseuse who've worked diligently, two dentist who worked proactively to make two pharmacists and the much needed work pharmaceutical. The drug is given to the people entirely free, because they are usually very poor. You remember how well the anthroposophic medicine and come on to us. We are pleased that we can occupy one anthroposophic medicine in a piece of the world where they otherwise never be known would.
The Waldorf teachers have continued to work with small and older children. There are always the same children who already have the sensation "there is something special for us." There were also given the storybooks mothers so that they can read at home every night the children a story, what about the boys now and demand.
the It was continued by hand Workshop. This time the women have ceiling as homework on the four corners sewn together to make. And she learned to knit socks have five needle. Each has one and half-knitted socks. It came so sechsundzwandzig women. There was, for example. a family succession of a Uhrgrossmutter, the Grandmother, daughter and granddaughter. All are knitted with zeal.
The Workshop where women her village so embroider as they remember of him, that they can edit the LOSS artistically was also MI t continued enthusiasm.
this time we had only one psychologist it. She has had work, but it was clear the Bedurfnis of the population in this Meaning dropped a lot.
A new workshop was offered to Jewelry to do with Glassperlchen. It was attended by very pubescent. We thought that it is good if they use their hands and creative forces for what they are buying something anyway sun already done or would do.
We have a truck fully taken with warm clothes, especially Bedding. This has been donated to our friends in Santiago. Again we have ten beds with us. Everything was distributed selectively targeted. It is important to us that the people there enough heat .
Our power handed this time by two Häusschen build. One is for a family with a two year old child. The father was unemployed and has worked hard on his future small house. The other was for an old single woman who was last in the queue to get help from the state because they had no family.
We are very grateful that we got in fate of the opportunity to make this work with these people. The we can, thanks to the generous assistance we receive from you. Be sincerely for it by the employees' pockets for Chile "thanks.
Our next visit will be the weekend of 31 July and 1 August make. You get our reports t.
We apologize that this time we have made no new pictures but we were too few and have only gearbei Tet .
Carina Vaca Zeller
From team "Covers for Chile"
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Keep Dog From Destrying Bed
I'm really happy and I am soooo happy blond woman. I love shoes, clothes, make-up and long talks, and I live with the stereotypes very well. as one woman is really like a woman, simply because it is good for are those to be.
but if one is not taken seriously because it is precisely a woman is, if one loses his credibility and is demoted as an idiot because man has no penis ... then what läüft wrong. today I was actually "I want to know if high heels-but phillosophie was ... then I ask you," with the stupid claim standasiert. What is that shit? can a woman not something interesting to say without being the same as zero-stamped number? list if I had to with how many full-post from the other day I had sex, I could not. not because I'm too stupid, but because I do not have as much time.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Vote Of Thanks Speech In Wedding Reception

other day I'm in the www through an advertising display stumbled onto a page ... a kind of female contact listed in the attractive and successful men for pretty and / or business-minded looking for. give the profiles the men not only their color eyes and on their star sign, but net income and their assets on their lists. Moreover, these gentlemen groups in the "attractive", "wealthy" and "open to everything," divided.
how can it then be only that such types are not women? or do these guys viellcht hurt such a large that they are in the real world without indirectly? Today, you learn to know his partner no longer happen in the supermarket or cafe, ... they are casts. in "Flavor of Love" or "rock of love" look live, world-famous pop musicians for the woman, and in the next season then another and another. because If we ask the question: why are the women again and again, the fight voluntarily on camera by a man who tussen only as many as possible will to bed? when do we have an award for women would be proud of ours and let our set? when it's all just happened?
maybe I've spent time in the internet for too long ... I should once again go outside .....
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Electric Flux In A Cube

is that they are constantly increasing. hardly believe it does a thing, you realize that you have actually begun to scratch only the surface. always find it to new tasks, and before you know it is a trifle, a large capacity building sites have become.
my area construction site is my bedroom. and this is now not a stupid claim! it all started with the idea that spring and "spring cleaning" brings with it, and now I'm lying with grazed and sore fingers in bed, and I have to put my aching body into which something should not be possible. scandal! I built my bed apart to put it in the middle of the room and then there again rebuild admitted "rubble" in garbage bags scratched only by four hours of wallpaper from the wall ... of course did so in formal attire. I had once before years a hearty blue man bought and then starched and ironed, in the wardrobe down, and today he was allowed time out. So blue man, black hood, and barefoot (so that the shoes are not dirty), I did what was necessary and made me not so stupid to you ...
to reward gabs shoes ... really beautiful shoes .... so I am now bed after work with my shoes and rest in me. and the shoes, um ... I meant a treat tomorrow night I've already ,.... but that's another story and another time to tell.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Ap Bio Hardy Weinberg Lab Answers
Since 1 April can be informed of consumers once a year of so-called credit bureaus, which collected data over the past twelve months about it, saved the first time and passed
were the most influential credit agency in Germany, the "protective association for general credit security," short "Schufa", will accept applications either by phone, in www.meineschufa.de Schufa service centers or online on the Internet. The
own data requested by customers up data will then be notified by mail or e-mail. Paying
remains, however, a credit check Schufa It will also more expensive and will cost € 18.50 in April instead of 7.80 €.
Because it is difficult to form in the Schufa find, I here a link provided to it. Below order form data presentation according to § 34 Select. The form should appear as shown right.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bleeding From The Testicles
Saturday, March 13, 2010
What Type Of Hair Do Lauren London Use?

if you prefer cozy Saturday evening spent together on the couch instead of going to a party, that does not necessarily mean that one is getting old.
yesterday was a very entertaining and relaxing evening, good talks music, good and the opportunity to enter my new heels. but the next morning ...
a few years ago, I would have left out any party, and were the best anyway, to which one was not invited. earlier we were girls, nerd-partys-Mix, forged passes to get in to clubs and always went until dawn with sandals in hand back home. I am drawn to the city long gone, and only the imagination of a large capacity meeting where my pubescent pikelgesichter tilt their beer on the couture leaves sprout stress pustules with me. Today, a really comfortable couch-day ... tv, a bottle of red, and someone of my feet was warm comfortable ... is not real.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Unblocked Games In School

a good morning after a long night.
couch, blanket, my personal Oscar and a diadem on the head, and I was in a perfect "black-tie and tiara" mood.
tried until I transfer to orf, because without advertising, but the English pronunciation of the Austrian reporter caused me physical and emotional pain. but then returned to find a charming pro7 steven Gätjen witty comments to foster the Austrian influence in Hollywood dare "... and ! Next year moderated then hansi Hinterseer the academy awards "christoph waltz was terribly nervous, and in the interview just too much to bear;. The tension was in the written face quivered on the podium his hands like a leaf of Jews in a room full of rich and successful. steve martin ... all pointed in the hall of that fact came out ... the Nazi-not necessarily good at mathematics. in a small teaser was shown that is just the scene, with the waltz c. Jewish vergliechich rats.
wonderfully refreshing the interview with Tom Ford. he had an outstanding open and open-minded art, saw his interview partners always in the eye and seemed very charming and likeable. tom ford for president :-)
mariah Carey looked like a young William Shatner as Captain Kirk from "exhale not only" ... but the seams of the clothes were so much like George Cloney manifest intent to look grumpy all night and not a smile ... how dare unpleasant. very uncomfortable, that was forgotten in the veneration of deceased artists on Farrah Fawcett, sad that barbara streisand no four stairs without a male companion, had to support it, could walk down, funny was Ben Stiller's avatar costume while until he said .. . the only other costume I could find the backstage was a Nazi-uniform ", but the glam factor was very high despite bragelina absence: the hall was very retro in gold and beautiful blue decorated rhinestones, the evening dresses of the ladies were all classy and classic and the music ranged from 'new york, new york', to 'the way we were'. at the 82nd oscars finally won its first woman director award for the best.
now it is half past seven clock in the morning and I go to bed with a good feeling, I still have many good to watch movies ... I'm looking forward.